The conference is geared towards pastors/ elders & theological students , but those that are interested in the Christian ministry are more than welcome to join.
This year's conference will be focused on the theme : “Biblical Discipleship “ and the subjects will be handled by Phil Hunt - principal of the Central Africa Baptist College on the Copper belt in Zambia, and Pastor Doug van Meter of the Brackenhurst Baptist Church in Alberton , South Africa . Both men have a proven track record and commitment to the biblical discipline of discipleship . So , expect to hear sound teaching rooted in practical experience !
If you read this and are interested , contact Joachim Rieck at " "
Doug van Meter
Explaining the purpose and Vision of the Namibia Grace Minister’s Conference
The History of the Conference
The first Namibia Grace Ministers Conference was held in 2001 when the Eastside Baptist Church invited Dr Wayne Mack , a noted Biblical Counselor from the USA to address pastors and the public on matters of biblical counseling . Since then the conference has met every year, except in 2008 .
The Purpose of the Conference
To provide a platform for teaching and fellowship appropriate to the needs of pastor/elders / student interns , encouraging these men to remain faithful to their principal calling i.e. pastoring their churches through faithful preaching and integrity of life . It is hoped that this conference will continue to grow in scope and influence , until the whole Namibian nation becomes obedient to Christ .
The Ethos of the Conference
The conference is rooted in historical and Reformed Christianity . The conference aims to be rooted in the authority of the Word ( SOLA SCRIPTURA) , Christ centeredness ( SOLUS CHRISTUS), doing what we do for the glory of God alone ( SOLI DEO GLORIA) . The primary tools for accomplishing this is to teach the doctrines of Grace ( SOLA GRATIA) and to commend the life of Faith ( SOLA FIDE) as the operative principle for Christian happiness .
The Conference is sponsored by a Reformed Baptist Church , and therefore prefers a Baptist Ecclesiology , without allowing this fact to hinder our fellowship with other churches with whom we share substantial agreement in doctrine .
We believe that the context for working out our mission is from the biblical platform created by God – the local church !
The goal of the Conference
• Revived pastors are important catalysts to stir up evangelical concern for the lost through fervent prayer and gospel preaching so that the Kingdom of God will advance .
• Revived pastors will show renewed love and compassion for their churches and thus provide for a happy church .
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