Tedd Tripp, the author of the very helpful book “Shepherding a child’s heart“
and a retired pastor will be
with us on the weekend of
the from the 11th
– 13 May 2012.
The 5 Seminars
will be spread out over Friday evening (2 sessions) and
Saturday morning (3 sessions).
Tripp will preach (D.V) at Eastside Baptist Church on Sunday morning, 13th May.
seminar will be relevant to almost anybody , since children are
always a part of our lives .
Below find a summary of the sessions.

Please Note :
- Booking is essential !
- A Conference booklet and tea/ coffee will be supplied
- A nominal fee of N$ 50.00 per person will be charged
- Those coming from outside of Windhoek must make their own arrangements for accommodation. Some accommodation will be available from our church members . Preference will be given to pastoral families.
Session 1 Getting to the Heart of Behavior
major theme of Shepherding a Child’s Heart is that the heart directs
behavior. In this session Dr. Tripp
presents an overview of several passages that teach that the heart is the
wellspring of life. Since behavior is
heart driven (Luke 6:45), it cannot be understood or addressed biblically in
isolation from the heart. What a child
says and does is a reflection of the abundance of his heart. This session explores some of the common ways
that we try to address behavior without shepherding the heart, helping parents gain skill at working back from
behavior to the heart unmasking heart issues for their children.
Session 2 Helping our Kids See the Glory of God
influences of childhood are the events and circumstances in a child’s developmental years that prove to be
catalysts for the person he becomes. Shaping
influences, however, are only half the story. Children are worshippers so they interact
with the shaping influences of life out of the Godward orientation of their
hearts. Since they are worshippers children either worship God or idols. They
filter the experiences of life through a religious grid. Since their Godward orientation will
determine the ways they respond to the shaping influences of life, one of the
primary tasks of the parent is to help their children see the glories of
God. They are made to be dazzled and
awed by God. The parent’s calling is to
help them see the glories and excellencies of the one for who they have been
made. Psalm 145 describes parenting as
“one generation commending the works of God to another.”
Session 3 Early Childhood: Helping our Children
Live Joyfully under Authority
early days are wonderful day for helping children understand that they are
designed to live under authority. Kind
and gracious authority is a blessing for children since they lack wisdom,
maturity and life experience. Our task
is helping them see that God, who is good and kind, has designed them to
function as people under authority. God has promised wonderful blessing for
children who learn to honor and obey Mom
and Dad.
Session 4 Childhood: Helping Children
Understand How to Identify Attitudes of Heart
are many issues that arise in shepherding our children that cannot be reduced
to living under authority. The Bible
teaches that the heart has strayed long before the behavior strays. We
must help our children understand the heart attitudes that are behind common
behavior problems. Focus on the heart
keeps before us the need for the
transformation that grace brings. This
session will present a paradigm for getting from behavior to heart attitudes
and helping children understand ways that their straying hearts show how
profoundly they need the forgiveness, grace and empowerment of the gospel.
Session 5 Teenagers: Helping Young People
Embrace the Gospel as their own Living Faith
is the time to pass the baton of faith from one generation to the next. There are foundational
issues in Proverbs 1: the fear of the Lord, remembering your
parent’s words and disassociation from the wicked. The parent accomplishes the tasks of this
developmental stage through rich biblical communication. We will discover that the finest art of communication is to understand
the other person, in this case our teen.
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