Ascension Day marks the day when our dear Lord Jesus Christ ascended up into Heaven , following His days of humiliation on earth , when He had taken on the nature of a lowly servant , to take up His visible glory once more (John 17:5) .
This happened 40 days after His resurrection from the dead, which this year was commemorated on Sunday the 20th of April. Following that , after 40 days from that Easter Sunday , you get to Ascension Day—Thursday, the 29th of May.
It is an amazing fact that Ascension day still forms part of our Namibian national calendar, for after all our country’s constitution claims to be secular – that is . without favour towards any particular religion.
It is amazing to think that a day of such little relevance in the eye of the general public (and sadly even the church) should still occupy a reason for people to stop doing any work on this Thursday and to remember this significant event on the Christian church calendar .
I see this as divine providence, and therefore I call all Christians to make this a day of praise and worship .
If you live in Windhoek and you read this , and if your church does not have a service of remembrance on this day , that I take the liberty to invite you to our service .
I believe that this day publicly recognized on our national calendar singularly honours our Lord Jesus , and therefore I say : “God bless Namibia !”
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