Monday, June 29, 2020

The Ultimate Reason Why We Should Be Against Abortion

The ultimate reason we should be against abortion is because we need to fear God.

This is not a crusade against abortionists.

It is not an expression of contempt for those that advocate such a practice.

I am not engaging in a harsh censure against any woman that has had an abortion. On the contrary, I have a deep compassion for those who suffer as a result of having made such a choice.  And I will labour to help such as are heavily burdened to find peace with God (Matthew 11:28-30). 

You see, I am not the offended one. God, the infinite, holy and righteous God, the Creator of this world, He   is the offended party, and He will not let the guilty go unpunished (Exodus 34:7). I have a deep and pastoral concern for the well- being of the immortal souls of my readers.  

I love God, and I love my community.

But I love God more than my community.

The happiest times I experience are when my community practices that which God loves – righteousness, justice, kindness (Micah 6:8). But when my community disagrees  with God’s Word, and when my community practices that which is  detestable in God’s eyes, then I must labour  to help my community and warn  my community. That is the true work of the Pastor.

God, simply because of who He is, cannot be mocked or trifled with. My community needs to know that. And I must warn my community that the wrath of God   will be revealed against all our ungodliness and unrighteousness (Romans 1:18). It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God! (Hebrews 10:31). 

Dear reader, I mention these things because I truly care for you, and I do not want to see you have to face the terrible wrath of  a holy, righteous God.

Abortion is murder. The law of God says so (Exodus 20:13).  There is no easy way to say this. The taking of a life is murder and there is no difference between that life in the womb, and that life, seconds after it is born. Anyone who is informed about abortion techniques knows that the child must first be killed in the womb, before the child is removed from the womb.    

I am writing this article against yet another attempt to legalize abortion in Namibia. The voices at government level appear to be getting stronger and louder. What appeared to be once the domain of liberal newspapers, the feminist movement and the LGBT lobby is now moving into the political mainstream!  

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader McHenry Venaani says he supports calls for Namibia to legalize abortion. The Namibian newspaper reported on the 22nd June 2020 that Venaani said that abortion and the rights of minority genders would be some of the topics to be discussed at the PDM's policy conference later this year.[1]  I say that Venaani is playing with fire! And in saying what he said, he has lost  the  vote of every right thinking voter in Namibia.

In the Name of God, and for your own sakes, I beg you to resist the foolishness of those community leaders and politicians that would push now to legalize abortion and who would advocate  abortion on demand in Namibia.  God will surely hold our national leaders and our nation, by implication, accountable for the shed blood of the unborn.  Fear God and shun evil!

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